
- 1998
- 2001
- 2002
- 2003
- 2004
- 2005
- 2006
- 2007
- 2008
- 2009
- 2010
- 2011
- 2012
- 2013
- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
- 2021
- 2022
- 2023
8. 5. 1998: concert Arthada & Friends in Vienna (Austria)
8. 12. 1998: concert Arthada & Friends in Salzburg (Austria)
(Vorallem für die frühen Jahren sind keine Aufzeichnungen über die Auftritte des Ensembels mehr vorhanden)
5. 2. 2001: first really big concert Arthada & Friends in Vienna (Austria)
19. 5. 2001: concert Arthada & Friends in Vienna (Austria)
14. 11. 2002: concert Arthada & Friends in ... (not recorded, probably in Vienna)
20. 2. 2003: concert Arthada & Friends in ... (not recorded)
19. 5. 2003: concert Arthada & Friends in Vienna (Austria)
26. 9. 2003: concert Arthada & Friends in ... (Hungary)
27. 9. 2003: first concert Arthada & Friends in ... (Hungary)
27. 9. 2003: second concert Arthada & Friends in ... (Hungary)
28. 9. 2003: first concert Arthada & Friends in ... (Hungary)
28. 9. 2003: second concert Arthada & Friends in ... (Hungary)
14. 10. 2003: second concert Arthada & Friends in Vienna (Austria)
19. 2. 2004: concert Arthada & Friends in Vienna (Austria)
13. 3. 2004: concert Arthada & Friends in Hungay (probably in Budapest)
30. 4. 2004: concert Arthada & Friends in Lubiljana (Slovenia)
25. 6. 2004: concert Arthada & Friends in Salzburg (Austria)
2. 10. 2004: first concert Arthada & Friends in Budapest (Hungary)
2. 10. 2004: second concert Arthada & Friends in Budapest (Hungary)
29. 10. 2004: concert Arthada & Friends in Vienna (Austria)
5. 5. 2005: concert Arthada & Friends in Nürnberg (Germany)
6. 5. 2005: concert Arthada & Friends in Hamburg (Germany)
7. 5. 2005: concert Arthada & Friends in Berlin (Germany)
8. 5. 2005: concert Arthada & Friends in Prague (Czech Republic)
10. 6. 2005: concert Arthada & Friends in Mosonmagyarovar (Hungary)
11. 6. 2005: concert Arthada & Friends in Szekesfehvar (Hungary)
12. 6. 2005: concert Arthada & Friends in Gyöngyös (Hungary)
23. 6. 2005: concert Arthada & Friends in Bratislava (Slovakia)
14. 6. 2006: concert Arthada & Friends in Budapest (Hungary)
15. 6. 2006: concert Arthada & Friends in Sofia (Bulgaria)
16. 6. 2006: concert Arthada & Friends in Plovdiv (Bulgaria)
17. 6. 2006: concert Arthada & Friends in Skopje (Mazedonia)
18. 6. 2006: concert Arthada & Friends in Beograd (Serbia)
20. 10. 2006: concert Arthada & Friends in Maribor (Slovenia)
21. 10. 2006: concert Arthada & Friends in Lubiljana (Slovenia)
4. 11. 2006: concert Arthada & Friends in Vienna (Austria)
11. 11. 2006: concert Arthada & Friends in Heidelberg (Germany)
25. 5. 2007: concert Arthada & Friends in Innsbruck (Austria)
1. 6. 2007: concert Arthada & Friends in Szombathely (Hungary)
2. 6. 2007: 14:00 o'clock concert Arthada & Friends in Mosonmagyarovar (Hungary)
2. 6. 2007: 18:00 o'clock concert Arthada & Friends in Györ (Hungary)
29. 6. 2007: concert Arthada & Friends in Graz (Austria)
1. 7. 2007: concert Arthada & Friends in Pilsen (Czech Republic) (as part of an open air concert of several groups)
7. 10. 2007: concert Arthada & Friends in Vienna (Austria)
12. 10. 2007: concert Arthada & Friends in Rosenheim (Germany): cancelled because of tragic events
6. 11. 2007: concert Arthada & Friends in Graz (Austria): cancelled because of tragic events
26. 11. 2007: concert Arthada & Friends in Vilnius (Lithuania)
27. 11. 2007: concert Arthada & Friends in Riga (Latvia)
28. 3. 2008: concert Arthada & Friends in Györ (Hungary)
29. 3. 2008: concert Arthada & Friends in Szeged (Hungary)
30. 3. 2008: concert Arthada & Friends in Szombathely (Hungary)
30. 4. 2008: concert Arthada & Friends in Gyöngyöns (Hungary)
1. 5. 2008: concert Arthada & Friends in Sofia (Bulgaria)
2. 5. 2008: concert Arthada & Friends in Plovdiv (Bulgaria)
4. 5. 2008: concert Arthada & Friends in Novi Sad (Serbia)
17. 5. 2008: concert Arthada & Friends in Prague (Czech Republic)
11. 10. 2008: concert Arthada & Friends in Croatia
24. 10. 2008: concert Arthada & Friends in Sopron (Hungary)
25. 10. 2008: 14:30 o'clock concert Arthada & Friends in Szombathely (Hungary)
25. 10. 2008: 19:00 o'clock concert Arthada & Friends in Zalaegerszeg (Hungary)
26. 10. 2008: 14:00 o'clock concert Arthada & Friends in Györ (Hungary)
26. 10. 2008: 19:00 o'clock concert Arthada & Friends in Mosonmagyarovar (Hungary)
18. 11. 2008: concert Arthada & Friends in Vienna (Austria)
10. 3. 2009: concert Arthada & Friends in Vienna (Austria)
4. 4. 2009: concert Arthada & Friends in Budapest (Hungary) 700 people
21. 5. 2009: concert Arthada & Friends in Warschau (Poland)
22. 5. 2009: concert Arthada & Friends in Brest (Belarus)
23. 5. 2009: concert Arthada & Friends in Minsk (Belarus)
24. 5. 2009: concert Arthada & Friends in Vilnius (Lithuania)
25. 5. 2009: concert Arthada & Friends in Vilnius (Lithuania)
26. 5. 2009: concert Arthada & Friends in Riga (Latvia)
27. 5. 2009: concert Arthada & Friends in Kalinigrad (Russia)
28. 5. 2009: concert Arthada & Friends in Danzig (Poland)
29. 5. 2009: concert Arthada & Friends in Berlin (Germany)
30. 5. 2009: concert Arthada & Friends in Heidelberg (Germany)
25. 7. 2009: concert Arthada & Friends in Györ (Hungary)
12. 9. 2009: concert Arthada & Friends in Split (Croatia)
13. 9. 2009: concert Arthada & Friends in Zagreb (Croatia)
23. 10. 2009: concert Arthada & Friends in Vienna (Austria)
1. 11. 2009: concert Arthada & Friends in Zlin (Czech Republic) (as part of the Songs of the Soul-Tour)
2. 11. 2009: concert Arthada & Friends in Bratislava (Slovakia) (as part of the Songs of the Soul-Tour)
3. 11. 2009: concert Arthada & Friends in Budapest (Hungary) (as part of the Songs of the Soul-Tour)
4. 11. 2009: concert Arthada & Friends in Györ (Hungary) (as part of the Songs of the Soul-Tour)
5. 11. 2009: concert Arthada & Friends in Vienna (Austria) (as part of the Songs of the Soul-Tour)
6. 11. 2009: concert Arthada & Friends in Maribor (Slovenia) (as part of the Songs of the Soul-Tour)
7. 11. 2009: concert Arthada & Friends in Ljubiljana (Slovenia) (as part of the Songs of the Soul-Tour)
8. 11. 2009: concert Arthada & Friends in Salzburg (Austria) (as part of the Songs of the Soul-Tour)
9. 11. 2009: concert Arthada & Friends in Graz (Austria) (as part of the Songs of the Soul-Tour)
13. 11. 2009: concert Arthada & Friends in Sombathely (Hungary)
20. 12. 2009: concert Arthada & Friends in Budapest (Hungary)
21. 2. 2010: concert Arthada & Friends in Munich (Germany)
27. 2. 2010: concert Arthada & Friends in Budapest (Hungary)
18. 3. 2010: concert Arthada & Friends in Vienna (Austria)
12. 5. 2010: concert Arthada & Friends in Bratislava (Slovakia)
13. 5. 2010: concert Arthada & Friends in Kosice (Slovakia)
15. 5. 2010: concert Arthada & Friends in Vinnitsa (Ukraine)
16. 5. 2010: concert Arthada & Friends in Kiew (Ukraine)
17. 5. 2010: concert Arthada & Friends in Mykolaiv (Ukraine)
18. 5. 2010: concert Arthada & Friends in Odessa (Ukraine)
19. 5. 2010: concert Arthada & Friends in Chisinau (Moldavia)
20. 5. 2010: concert Arthada & Friends in Bucharest (Rumania)
21. 5. 2010: concert Arthada & Friends in Szeged (Hungary)
23. 5. 2010: concert Arthada & Friends in Salzburg (Austria)
31. 5. 2010: concert Arthada & Friends in Bad Vöslau (Austria)
13. 7. 2010: concert Arthada & Friends in Vienna (Austria)
7. 8. 2010: concert Arthada & Friends in Mosommagiovar (Hungary)
24. 9. 2010: concert Arthada & Friends in Salzburg (Austria)
25. 9. 2010: concert Arthada & Friends in Munich (Germany)
15. 10. 2010: concert Arthada & Friends in Budapest (Hungary)
21. 10. 2010: concert Arthada & Friends in Vienna (Austria)
6. 11. 2010: concert Arthada & Friends in Amsterdam (Netherlands) (as part of the Song of the Soul-Tour)
7. 11. 2010: concert Arthada & Friends in Paris (France) (as part of the Song of the Soul-Tour)
9. 11. 2010: concert Arthada & Friends in Oxford (Great Britain) (as part of the Song of the Soul-Tour)
10. 11. 2010: concert Arthada & Friends in Bristol (Great Britain) (as part of the Song of the Soul-Tour)
12. 11. 2010: concert Arthada & Friends in Dublin (Ireland) (as part of the Song of the Soul-Tour)
14. 11. 2010: concert Arthada & Friends in London (great Britain) (as part of the Song of the Soul-Tour)
6. 5. 2011: concert Arthada & Friends in Vienna (Austria)
20. 5. 2011: concert Arthada & Friends in Györ (Hungary)
21. 5. 2011: concert Arthada & Friends in Mosonmagyaróvár (Hungary)
22. 5. 2011: concert Arthada & Friends in Zalaegerszeg (Hungary)
4. 6. 2011: concert Arthada & Friends in Bad Vöslau (Austria)
16. 6. 2011: concert Arthada & Friends in Vienna (Austria)
24. 6. 2011: concert Arthada & Friends in Salzburg (Austria)
25. 6. 2011: concert Arthada & Friends in Augsburg (Germany) (as part of the Songs of the Soul-Tour)
26. 6. 2011: concert Arthada & Friends in München (Germany) (as part of the Songs of the Soul-Tour)
30. 6. 2011: concert Arthada & Friends in Szeged (Hungary)
23. 10. 2011: concert Arthada & Friends in Maribor (Slovenia)
26. 10. 2011: concert Arthada & Friends in Eger (Hungary)
27. 10. 2011: concert Arthada & Friends in Ozd (Hungary)
28. 10. 2011: concert Arthada & Friends in Budapest (Hungary) (700 people)
9. 4. 2012: small Concert Arthada & Friends in a public meditation at New York (USA)
11. 5. 2012: Concert Arthada & Friends in Vienna (Austria)
2. 6. 2012: Concert Arthada & Friends in Nitra (Slovakia)
15. 6. 2012: Concert Arthada & Friends in Salzburg (Austria)
18. 7. 2012: Tempelsong-Hearts in Vienna (Austria)
18. 9. 2012: Concert Arthada & Friends in Bratislava (Slovakia)
12. 10. 2012: Concert Arthada & Friends in Sopron (Hungary)
15. 10. 2012: Concert Arthada & Friends in Vienna (Austria)
2. 11. 2012: Concert Arthada & Friends in Budapest (Hungary) (together with other groups as part of the Songs of the Soul-Tour)
3. 11. 2012: Concert Arthada & Friends in Budapest (Hungary) (together with other groups as part of the Songs of the Soul-Tour)
4. 11. 2012: Concert Arthada & Friends in Budapest (Hungary) (together with other groups as part of the Songs of the Soul-Tour)
5. 11. 2012: Concert Arthada & Friends in Szeged (Hungary) (together with other groups as part of the Songs of the Soul-Tour)
5. 3. 2013: Concert Arthada & Friends in Vienna (Austria)
30. 5. 2013: Concert Arthada & Friends in Riga (Latvia)
31. 5. 2013: Concert Arthada & Friends in Helsinki (Finnland)
27. 7. 2013: Concert Arthada & Friends in Szeged (Hungary)
3. 8. 2013: Concert Arthada & Friends in Hungary (city is not recorded)
4. 8. 2013: Concert Arthada & Friends in Budapest
9. 11. 2013: Concert Arthada & Friends in Jaszbereny (Hungary)
9. 11. 213: Concert Arthada & Friends in Szolnok (Hungary; second concert on that day)
10. 11. 2013: Concert Arthada & Friends in Gyöngyös (Hungary)
14. 3. 2014: Concert Arthada & Friends in Subotica (Serbia)
15. 3. 2014: Concert Arthada & Friends in Banjaluka (Bosnia)
16. 3. 2014: Concert Arthada & Friends in Zagreb (Croatia)
8. 5. 2014: Concert Arthada & Friends in Vienna (Austria)
16. 5. 2014: Concert Arthada & Friends in Bratislava (Slovakia)
25. 5. 2014: Concert Arthada & Friends in Trencin (Slovakia)
26. 7. 2014: Concert Arthada & Friends in Budapest (Hungary)
27. 7. 2014: Concert Arthada & Friends in Graz (Austria)
28. 7. 2014: Concert Arthada & Friends in Ptuj (Slovenia)
25. 10. 2014: Concert Arthada & Friends in Riga (Latvia)
26. 10. 2014: Concert Arthada & Friends in Riga (Latvia)
29. 12. 2014: Concert Arthada & Friends in Dubrovnik (Croatia)
12. 3. 2015: Concert Arthada & Friends in Vienna (Austria)
9. 5. 2015: Concert Arthada & Friends in Osijek (Croatia)
10. 5. 2015: Concert Arthada & Friends in Beograd (Serbia)
11. 5. 2015: Concert Arthada & Friends in Skopje (Mazedonia)
12. 5. 2015: Concert Arthada & Friends in Sofia (Bulgaria)
13. 5. 2015: Concert Arthada & Friends in Varna (Bulgaria)
14. 5. 2015: Concert Arthada & Friends in Plovdiv (Bulgaria)
15. 5. 2015: Concert Arthada & Friends in Nis (Serbia)
17. 5. 2015: Concert Arthada & Friends in Villach (Austria) (together with other musicians - Songs of the Soul-Tour)
18. 5. 2015: Concert Arthada & Friends in Graz (Austria) (together with other musicians - Songs of the Soul-Tour)
19. 5. 2015 Concert Arthada & Friends in Vienna (Austria) (together with other musicians - Songs of the Soul-Tour)
21. 5. 2015: Concert Arthada & Friends in Linz (Austria) (together with other musicians - Songs of the Soul-Tour)
22. 5. 2015: Concert Arthada & Friends in Salzburg (Austria) (together with other musicians - Songs of the Soul-Tour)
24. 5. 2015: Concert Arthada & Friends in Bad Ischl (Austria) (together with other musicians - Songs of the Soul-Tour)
16. 6. 2015: Concert Arthada & Friends in Milano (Italy)
13. 10. 2015: Kirtana-concert: Arthada (Vienna)
22. 9. 2016: Zlin (Tschechische Republik)
23. 9. 2016: Olomuc (Tschechische Republik)
24. 8. 2016: Graz (Österreich)
26. 10. 2016: Riga (Latvia)
27. 10. 2016 Riga (Latvia)
28. 10. 2016: Heidelberg (Deutschland): 19:30 Uhr in der Stadtbücherei Heidelberg, Poststraße 15, 69115 Heidelberg
30. 10. 2016 Linz (Österreich): 20:00 Uhr in der Reiman Akademie, Promenade 29, 4020 Linz
9. 3. 2017: Vienna
4. 11. 2017: Concert of Ustad Kamal Sabri (Sarangi) at the Lotus Seminarzentrum; Arthada & Friends joined him for some songs
17. 5. 2018: concert Vienna
29. 9. 2018: concert in Maribor/Slovenia
30. 9. 2018: concert in Graz
1. 10. 2018: concert in Vienna
14. 9. 2019: open air-concert at Attersee/Austria
15. 9. 2019: concert Budapest/Hungary
19. 1. 2020: Budapest/Hungary
21. 2. 2020: concert Vienna
29. 2. 2020: concert in Hungary
1. 3. 2020: concert in Hungary
19. 9. 2021: concert in Budapest
20. 9. 2021: concert in Vienna
21. 9. 2021: concert in Szombathely/Hungary
30. 7. 2022: concert in Hungary
31. 7. 2022: concert in Hungary
13. 8. 2022: concert in Graz
24. 3. 2023: concert Vienna
29. 9. 2023: concert in Vienna